Captured an incident on your dash cam?
Send the footage directly to your local police force
Unsure which force to report to? Find out here.

Helping to make roads safer with
National Dash Cam Safety Portal Privacy Policy & Terms of Use
- You may use the NDSP to upload footage from any dash cam , action camera, mobile phone or any other type of camera from any manufacturer.
- Please note Section 10 (Uploading content to our site) and Section 11 (Rights you licence) in our Website Terms of Use do NOT apply to this tool. Nextbase do not have access to see any videos uploaded or any of the personal information provided when submitting an incident.
- Videos and Witness Statements uploaded and creating this tool are only viewable by the Police force to which they are submitted.
- Please also see Egress’ Privacy Policy which is linked to at the bottom of the witness statement form.
- This portal is provided free of charge by Nextbase to all users and The Police.
- NOTE – Nextbase does NOT have access to the Police Portal videos – all videos go directly to your chosen force.
Please note that, if you operate a recording device in a public place, you may have obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It is in your interest to familiarise yourself, and comply with, any such obligations as apply to you. If you are in any doubt as to your obligations, please obtain independent legal advice to ensure you do not put yourself at risk of prosecution.
By using this portal you acknowledge you have read and understood the above notice before proceeding.
“We’re sorry but our police portal is currently only available to users in the UK. Most police forces will still accept Dash Cam footage if you contact them directly”
Frequently Asked Questions
+ What is the NDSP?
The National Dash Cam Safety Portal (NDSP) is a response to the ever-increasing submissions of video and photographic evidence from members of the public in relation to witnessed driving offences. It has been setup with the aim of reducing road accidents and making the UK’s roads safer.
You can submit any type of footage, whether it is filmed on a Dash Cam, mobile phone or any other device – regardless of where it was filmed. In and out of a car, from a building’s window, as long as it relates to the case that you are submitting, it is good to be submitted.
+ If the number plate is illegible in the video can it beenhanced?
It will not be possible to enhance if the original recording has failed to capture the number.
+ Will the police seize the device on which the incident was recorded?
No. All that is required is a copy of the original file in unedited, uncompressed format.
+ I’ve put my footage on social media, isn’t that acceptable?
Please remove the footage from social media. Crown Prosecution Service advice is that your footage should not be in the public domain as this may adversely affect subsequent proceedings.
+ Will i have to make a statement?
Yes, as part of the Criminal Justice process, and in order to allow the Police to deal with the offender in an appropriate manner, you must provide a statement. Conveniently this can be done online by completing a brief pro forma.
+ Will my own driving or the way in which i captured the footage be scrutinised?
The police will impartially review the footage which you submit and deal appropriately with all offences which may be disclosed. For example, if you were exceeding the speed limit in order to catch up with an offending driver and then proceeded to film them with your mobile phone whilst driving, the police would consider taking proceedings against you. There is no legal exemption allowing you to commit a driving offence in order to record evidence of offending by another driver.
+ What forms of evidence will be acceptable?
Evidence will be accepted in the form of still photographs or video footage; however, the submission must fully show the incident. For example a still photograph in conjunction with your statement may be acceptable to prove an offence of using a mobile phone but video footage must be provided in relation to traffic light offences.
+ I want you to see the footage but don’t want to go to court. can’t you just deal with it?
It will not be possible to deal with your report without a statement from you. Please remember that early indications show that only 1-2% of reports which the police act upon actually result in a court trial.
+ Are there any time limits which i must adhere to?
It’s important that you submit your footage and statement as soon as possible. Most road traffic offences generally have a 6 months time limit for prosecution. Furthermore, some offences place a requirement on the police (only if it is possible to do so) to notify the driver or registered keeper of the offence within 14 days.
+ You’re asking the public to do the police’s job here. why can’t you catch all these people breaking the law
The police have always received complaints from members of the public about dangerous and anti-social driving. The NDSP has simply brought the process of reporting these incidents into the 21st century.
+ What about the cyclists breaking the law? if you’re going to process people for careless driving by putting cyclists at risk, what about the cyclists who ignore red lights or cause risk with their riding?
The Police will deal with all matters of careless/riding/cycling as best they can. It’s vital to remember that the vulnerable road users such as pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists and horse riders are at much greater risk of serious injury and death than those in cars. Our priority should always be to protect those most vulnerable.
+ I think i’ve been reported by someone using operation snap. what should i do?
Engage with us. We seek only one thing – that is, if we can, to influence your future behaviour so that our roads are safer.
+ How will my footage be stored?
The footage which you submit along with your statement will be stored securely on a cloud server.
+ What does the ndsp cater for?
NDSP caters for a broad range of road incidents including dangerous driving, using a mobile phone, driving without due care and attention, careless driving, overtaking on solid white lines, not in proper control, traffic light contravention or any other road traffic offence provided it is clearly made out in the submitted media.
+ How do i report an incident?
Incidents can be reported via the NDSP or directly to the Force where the incident occurred.
+ What do i need to do with the original recording?
It will be your responsibility to ensure that the footage is securely saved in its original format and can be made available if required by the police. For example, you may choose to back up the file to your computer, hard drive, USB drive etc.
+ Can i just send screen shots from the video as they clearly show what happened?
Only if the images clearly demonstrate the offence being committed. Dependent on the offence, the Police may require the video footage of the whole incident. They may also need to see more of your journey so that they can understand the context of what happened.
+ Will i have to go to court and give evidence?
Early indications suggest that on average only 1 to 2% of all reported offences result in a trial actually being run in court. There are other disposal methods available such as a driver improvement course or the acceptance of a fixed penalty notice.
If however on the very rare occasion the offence which you report necessitates your attendance in court, then you will be fully supported through the process
+ What will happen to the driver?
The footage and statement will be carefully reviewed by a police officer who will decide which, if any offences are made out, whilst taking regard of the incident as a whole. Subsequent decisions on disposal options will then be taken in accordance with CPS charging standards.
The options are, No Further Action, Driver Education Course, Fixed Penalty Notice, Summons to Court.
+ Do i need to have a date/time stamp on my video footage? if so, must this be exactly the right?
Ideally the date and time would be correct, but don’t forget that the video footage is used to support your written witness statement. If the time/date stamp in your video is incorrect, it is not an issue provided you refer to this in your statement.
For example: “The date and time stamp displayed in the video/photograph is incorrect. This incident happened at 3pm on Thursday 12th April 2018”
+ Will the offending driver know who i am?
The offending driver will not be provided with your details. However on the rare occasion that the offence which you reported does go to trial then at this stage the offending driver will become aware of your name, but not your address or any other personal details.
+ What if i have footage of other offences which are not road related?
If you have footage of any other types of offences it is suggested that you contact the Police via 101 or the Local Authority if appropriate (parking offences).
+ How long will the footage be stored for?
Your footage will be stored in accordance with legislative requirements dependent on nature of disposal.
+ What about cyclists and close passes – will you deal with them? tored in accordance with legislative requirements dependent on nature of disposal.
Yes, provided that an offence has been committed, Cyclists are very vunerable on our roads.
+ If the police and everyone else is going to start taking action over all these people caught on camera, can the police cope?
Yes. It’s easy for people to engage and processes have been designed to run smoothly. There is only one desired outcome. That is making our roads safer.
+ Will i be contacted or notified by the police?
The Police will not respond to every upload due to the high volume of submissions received, but rest assured it will be dealt with accordingly. If the case goes to court or more evidence is required, then you will be contacted for further details.